The 4-hour Workweek author, Tim Ferriss' speech on TED

Tim Ferriss, the 31 year old author of The Four Hour Workweek, can be seen on the Technology, Entertainment, and Design website. His TED talk entitled How to feel like the Incredible Hulk, posted for the first time this month, recounts his experience in overcoming his fear of swimming to competing in an open sea 1-kilometer race. Ferris also explains how he became fluent in Japanese and how he overcame obstacles to become a world champion tango dancer. Ferriss has discovered a system, coupled with a fearless optimistic attitude, that allows him to accomplish almost anything. Just listening to Ferriss speak provides hope that obstacles can be overcome and gives the listener a bit of perspective on the possibilities that exist in setting and actually achieveing almost any goal. Ferriss mentions at the end of this talk that he is now focusing on how to improve the American Education system. I'm interested in hearing what he has to say.

Ferriss is a very accomplished younger man who has definitely figured out some things that some of us never figure out. Namely how to live life entirely on your own terms with little sacrifice or fear. It is refreshing to see someone with that gutsy, can do approach to life. The "4-Hour Workweek" link in the right-handed column of this blog will take you to his website and blog. If you would like to look at a succinct bio of Ferriss from the TED site click here.

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