A quick note if you have been to the "Best Education" "Eds Best" blogsite before: You have arrived at the right place.

This site was previously called "The Best Education" and then I changed it to "Eds Best." That change occurred to make the name of website more closely match the web address, http://edsbest.blogspot.com. When I told my brother about the name change he commented that since "Ed's Best" sounded like some guys collection of his favorite online porn I should see a real increase in visitor. All be it very disappointed visitors. My brother's comment has prompted this most recent change of the blog site name to "Ed(ucation)'s Best. I still have closely matched the URL and have conveyed that the content of the blog is devoted to finding free online learning opportunities for those that visit this blog.

I have changed the basic outlay of the blog for two reasons first to accommodate the embedded Hulu player (Hulu actually has enough learning opportunity videos for me to do that) and to make Ed(ucation)'s Best a blog site that had a more academic feel. Plus I think the stuff I write is easier to read with the contrasting black ink, white page combination.

I think I have settled in on the look of the site and hope that if you are a regular the new look did not cause too much shock.

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